Accumulation Phase

The Accumulation phase will last for 2 weeks and we tend to repeat that week for week 1 and week 2 so as to get the body to adjust to the stress of what are trying to implement.

Upgrading the Engine……

Eccentric loading will be implemented to force the ability to cope with the forces that sprinting demands. There is no need to record the speeds or forces through the encoder. These movements will be slow in nature. We are aiming to overload the body and to cope with higher weights that we normally can lift. For instance if we were used to lifting 100kg in a hex bar lift, we would lift 110kg but lift slower on the way down (eccentrically) we may then get to helpers to assist on the lift back up. we would repeat 3 - 4 lifts for a set.

During The accumulation Phase day 1 will be usually the heavy rebound exercises and the eccentrics should be placed on the day with the biggest rest (2 day rest) to allow the body to recover from the micro tears from eccentric lifting. Dave Lease likes to call this building the engine.

Heavy Day Exercises Eccentric

Hex Bar Squat

Hamstring Curl


Nordic Curl

Seated Calf Raise

Spring Ankles

Heavy Olympic Clean

Heavy Day Rebound Exercises

Hex Bar Squat

Hang Clean

Seated Calf

Straight Leg Deadlift

As we get closer to competition this will change to the heavy day being the rebound lifts with the faster day being more focused on concentric speed and lighter loads moving faster. Aiming to be above 2.1 Peak Velocity. The aim before was to build up a deeper velocity by building a better capacity eccentrically so that we can generate a better faster Peak Velocity through the lifts. Then practice this deeper velocity in this phase by speeding this up. Simultaneously we are developing our dwell ability eccentrically while performing the rebound lifts and again putting this together when speeding this up with lighter loads and using keiser equipment.