Track Sessions
Up Backs 60m x 2 (45 second rest) = 1 rep
2 minutes rest between reps x 3 = 1 set
Cones placed at 10, 15 or 20 as an acceleration zone. The rest of the distance the pace at the end of acceleration zone is held. On second run of the rep it can be changed to a straight leg bound, high knees or skip for distance. This will add strength endurance. Just runs builds capacity.
This equals 1 Rep
Alternative to develop capacity and strength endurance instead of second run we can substitute for one of the following.
So three different exercises to do on each rep simultaneously, which would make the set.
Sled runs will be between 20kg and 10kg these will be slightly heavy and feel slow but this is to slow the run down and to focus on technique.
5 - 10 m runs x 8 - 10 (3 - 4 minute rest)
Video 1 - Good Position Slight Foot collapse on right foot
Video 2 - Good Position Not enough Triple Extension, leg not straight in rear mechanics
These runs should be recorded so that the technique is broken down for each run.
Foot placement
Foot under COM (Centre of Mass)
Arm Action
Straight Back
Head Position
Triple Extension
Shin Angles
These are some of the areas to check for when reviewing footage.
Arm Issues Video - Its far better to practice this while not running, less energy expelled means more reps can be achieved and focused purely on this skill
Triple Extension Video - Not being able to get full extension can be practiced by practicing this movement while doing Speed bounds, Arm action also plays an important role in achieving full extension, small arm movement will mirror through to what happens with the legs.
Foot Stability Video - Feet collapsing during first 7 steps should be on balls of the feet, heal hitting the floor is a sign of weakness or poor positioning. Over striding can be one reason but also foot strength, video here is an exercise we do in the gym to help
This shouldn't be fast at this stage but ultimately focusing on technique and just getting a feel for running again. These runs should not exceed 85% and would feel more like a build up in pace. Skip in starts are probably best.
6 x 40m is good 2sets x 3reps x 40m (4 min recovery) 8 min between set